09 年付費購買 flickr pro 的會員資格,至今已經 10 年,易主 SmugMug 之後的 flickr,原本期待它還能有所改變/創新,但唯一的改變是年費,是的,flickr 真的要漲價了。
I have been a flickr pro member since 2009. After flickr being sold to SmugMug, I have anticipated its innovation, but the only thing change is its annual fees. Yes, flickr increases its fees.
身為超過 10 年的使用者,對於這樣的漲價真的無法接受,除了是 flickr 無任何新增功能,再來是近年來上傳相片的次數已經大幅下降許多,是否依然需要付費購買圖床,一直困擾著我,這次的漲價也是我決定要與 flickr pro 分手的最後一根稻草。
As a 10 years pro member, I really can't accept its fees increases. Because it has no new functions, and I seldom uploaded photos in recent years. I wonder if I should keep the pro membership. This fees increases had made me to unsubscribe pro.
不可否認,flickr 依舊是世界上最棒的攝影師交流的空間,但是這些年隨著 Facebook/Instagram 帝國的擴張,flickr 除了不受投資人的青睞,使用者也逐漸流失,這也是 flickr 決定要漲價的(背後)原因。
It goes without saying, flickr is still the best photo-loving community. But in the Facebook/Instagram era, flickr is hard to compete with it. I think it is the reason why it has to increase fees.
雖然沒有 flickr pro,但 flickr free(1,000 張/公開/有廣告),搭配 Apple iCloud 共享相簿(5,000 張/私人/無廣告),我想應該就足以應付目前的需求。
Without flickr pro, I think flickr free(1,000 photos/public/ad) plus the Apple iCloud photo sharing feature(5,000 photos/private/no ad) are quite enough for me.