2020年12月25日 星期五

4 months with Nokia 8110

說實在,我沒有料到自己轉換使用「功能性手機」(feature phone)會如此的順利。

從使用多年的 iPhone 轉換成 Nokia 8110 至今已經四個月,8110 是一支搭載 KaiOS 的按鍵型手機,可以用來上網,但你絕不會想用它來上網,但是可以使用它來做行動上網熱點,曾經在出差時用過一次,這個功能對於電力的消耗大概是半天一顆電池。前陣子 iPhone 12 推出,自己曾偷偷到展示店去把玩 12 mini,其小巧的外型深得我心,但價格可以買十支 Nokia 8110,想一想還是作罷。如果真的要連網路辦事,還是使用平板電腦或筆記型電腦比較舒服,手機就讓它保持原本的通話功能即可。

當然,自己也曾經想讓 8110 變得「智慧」一點,就拿行事曆來說吧,8110 內建的行事曆軟體不支援 Google Calendar,加上資通安全管理法甫在學校推行(教育雲/伺服器集中管理),為了將行事曆同步至 8110,將原本存放在 Google 的行事曆及通訊錄移動到自架的 NAS,但是成效實在不佳,主要是受限網速與 NAS 處理器與 Google 相較,實在是小巫見大巫,後來便放棄這個方案,走回存放 Google 的老路。因此,8110 對我而言,單純只有電話的功能,當然有時會拿它來當手電筒。


我認為是優點多過於缺點,包含自己不會再低頭看手機,不會時時檢查是否有人傳訊息,或者是瀏覽社群網路的資訊流,離開辦公室之後便是真正地離線,返家後更能專心陪伴家人。前陣子看了 Netflix 的電影「智能社會:進退兩能」(The Social Dilemma),真的很慶幸自己已經脫離這個智能社會,不能說完全,但至少,我可以控制自己進入智能社會的時間,以及方式。

Be honest, I didn't expect the "Transition" going so well. 

I have used Nokia 8110 for 4 months(iPhone before). Nokia 8110 is a feature phone with KaiOS. It is OK to go surfing, even though not friendly. But it can be used as a WIFI hot-spot, which consumes a battery in 4 hours. When the iPhone 12 went to the market, I went to store to play the lovely 12 mini. I really like it! But the price is too high to afford. Second, using a tablet or laptop is much comfortable than the smartphone.

Of course, I tried to make 8110 smarter. For example, the 8110 stock calendar app don't support google calendar. Besides, the Information and Communication Safety Law just announced. I moved my calendar and contact to my NAS in order to make calendar sync with 8110.  But it is not efficient comparing with Google. So, I gave up. At the end, 8110 is still a feature phone for me. Sometimes I make phone call, sometime to make it a flash light.

Is is good to use feature phone?

I think the answer is YES. I don't need to check my phone to see if anyone message me. Or to read the social network stuff. When I get off office. I am offline. No more emails. No more messages. I can companion my family with no interruption. When I saw the Netflix movie "the social dilemma". I really appreciate the situation now:leaving the digital society. Not totally. At least, I can control when and how I go in it.