Punkt MP02 |
20 年秋天,受到唐鳳(@audreyt)的感召,開始使用功能型手機 Nokia 8110 4G,與智慧型手機分手的這 18 個月感到無比的自由,雖然外出時已經習慣「離線」,但是偶爾還是會需要與家人傳訊息來報平安,且原本的月租費即包含行動數據連線,因此便開始尋找可以支援點對點加密通訊軟體(ex. Signal)的功能型手機。在尋找的過程中,發現 Punkt MP02、The Light Phone 2 及 Mudita Pure 這三支功能型手機,但是當初均不支援這類型的通訊軟體,當然,也曾經祈禱 Signal 可以支援 Nokia 8110 4G 的 KaiOS 作業系統,但這從來沒有發生。
21 年春天,Punkt 推出支援 Signal 的通訊軟體 Pigeon (鴿子),從那時候便開始關注這支手機,年底 Punkt 推出新款的 MP02,新舊款的差別是移除了 Blackberry Secure。今年初,便下訂了這支小巧可愛的手機,使用 MP02 至今約一週,感到很滿意,它的待機時間大約三天(使用不頻繁,偶收發訊息),支援正體中文輸入(注音);在啟用 Pigeon 時會遇到一些困難,需要不斷的按 0 更新 CAPTCHA 直到可以勾選圖片,才有辦法通過機器人驗證,大約 10 分鐘可以解決;在收發訊息及通話則完全沒有問題,通話的品質相當的好;握持的感覺很棒,僅 100 克的重量,應該是我用過最輕巧的手機,非常喜歡。
Good Reports: Best mobile devices 這篇文章探討尊重隱私的設備(privacy-focus devices),認為 Punkt MP02 的作業系統是開放式的 Android,依然會有受到監控的風險,因此不推薦;Good Reports 推薦 The Light Phone 2 或 Mudita Pure,因為他們的作業系統都是自行開發設計,與 Android 與 iOS 相較,受到監控的風險較低。回到 Punkt MP02,雖然它是 Android 系統,但是其內部軟體並無 Google 所設計,例如 Gmail, Google Maps, Youtube 等等,因此照理來說,行為受到 Google 監控的風險應該是較低的。且 Punkt Tronics 這間瑞士的公司為了追求通訊的隱私,還自行開發了支援 Signal 點對點加密通訊協定的 Pigeon,這在功能型手機中應是絕無僅有,即便目前 Pigeon 依舊屬於開發階段,充其量僅能算雛鳥,但是基本功能包含傳訊、通話都沒有太大的問題。光是這點就足以鼓勵,不是嗎?
I've been used Nokia 8110 for 18 months. It's a good phone, which has a custom OS, removable battery, and a reasonable price. I used it to call, send text message, and wifi-tethering. But sometimes, there is still need to send message or call my family through internet. Then, I started to look for a feature phone which support the end-to-end encryption message(i.e. Signal). There are 3 feature phones I like: Punkt MP02, Light Phone 2, and Mudita Pure, but none of these support end-to-end encryption message then. I even wished Signal could support the KaiOS which 8110 use. But unfortunately it never happened.
In the spring of 2021, Punkt announced the new feature "Pigeon", which is based on the Signal Message Network. In the end of 2021, Punkt had the "NEW" MP02 which basically was the same MP02 without the blackberry secure. Then I bought it. After a week, I found that the phone has an elegant design, great call quality, and good battery performance(at least 3 days of normal use). And the most important thing, the Pigeon which works just fine, now I can call and send message to my family on Signal network. I'm very satisfied.
I've read a article about the privacy-focus device. It doesn't recommend Punkt MP02 because it is an android. It recommend the light phone 2 & mudita pure because they are not android or iOS. Well, I thought MP02 is fine on its privacy because there is no google app on it. After all, MP02 is the only feature phone which support Signal network. It is great, isn't it?