2007年1月28日 星期日

Paris, je T'aime(2006)

法文片名:Paris, Je T'aime

我很喜歡這部電影,他運用數個的小故事來描繪巴黎,相同的背景,不同的人事物! 這讓我看到巴黎的不同面貌。以下是最後一個故事的台詞:
And I found a very, pretty little park.
I sat down on a bench and, ate the sandwich I had bought.
It was very tasty.
And then something happened,
something that is hard to describe.
Sitting there, alone in a foreign country, far from my job
and all the people I knew,
a feeling came over me.
As if I recalled something,
something that I had never known and for which I had been waiting.
But I didn't know what it was.
Maybe it was something I had forgotten.
Or something I had missed my whole life.
I can only tell you
that at the same time I felt
joy and sadness.
But not a great sadness.
Because I felt alive.
Yes. Alive.
That was the moment when I fell in love with Paris
and the moment I felt that Paris had fallen in love with me.

Oscar Wilde(電影裡面引起我注意的一個墓碑,上面佈滿了吻痕)