2007年10月29日 星期一


前幾天,在BBC上面看到一則新聞 Virtual world threaten "values",這則新聞談到近來虛擬遊戲的年齡層有逐漸下降的趨勢,遊戲業者在設計遊戲時,往往忽略一些正確的價值觀,導致這些小孩面對的是一個價值觀錯誤的虛擬世界,恐影響這些小孩的價值觀。

In the article, Lord Puttnam urged creator to build more moral virtual worlds that instil in children the values that societies need. "Do we really want them to think of themselves as not much more than consumers?"


"The challenge ahead is this - to ensure that virtual worlds are increasingly places that offer real meaning to their lives and in the real world to learn from the sense of community and collaboration that's been experienced in virtual worlds," Puttnam said.

建立起一個基於現實世界價值觀的虛擬世界,聽起來有些矛盾,但我認為首要任務應該是先導正現實世界的價值觀才是,虛擬世界的影響力畢竟有限,只要你把插頭拔起來,Everything Done。但是現實世界可就沒那麼容易改變囉,這時候就需要教育啦。誰說教育無用,教育才是王道阿。
